Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Pentax Super Takumar 135mm f3.5

Vendor name Type name Product year
Asahi pentax super takumar 1966
Focal min (mm) Focal max (mm) Focus min(cm) 
135 135 150 
Aperture max Aperture min  Barrel Length (mm)
3.5 22  - 
Elements  Diaphragm action Weight (g)
5 auto-manual 343
Filter size (mm) Push on diameter(mm) Angular field

Super-Takumar lenses featured an early form of lens coating (to prevent flare) and a more sophisticated stopping-down mechanism. There was a switch on the lens to select "Auto" or "Manual" modes. In manual mode, the lens would always be in the selected aperture. In Auto mode, the lens would remain wide open (at maximum aperture) until a pin on the rear of the lens was pushed in. This pin would be automatically pushed in by the camera when the shutter was tripped.

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